John Sackett

John Sackett

A recently retired Air Force Chaplain, John and his family moved in the Summer of 2019 to Kalispell to serve as Associate Pastor at Faith Covenant.  John and Susan have been married 26 years, and with the four older children in college or beyond, are adjusting to life with just one child in high school, Samuel, still at home. John was raised a missionary kid, and as such has spent time in Holland and the Philippines. He joined the Navy out of high school and honorably served a six year commitment.

He holds a bachelors from Washington Bible College where he fell in love with Reformed theology, the church and Susan. John received his Masters of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary (where they met Pastor Lloyd and Laura). Additionally, John has a Master of Arts in Pastoral and Spiritual Care from ILIFF School of Theology, Denver, and a Master of Military Operational Art and Science from Air University, Alabama.  Prior to the Air Force, John served as Associate Pastor at New Covenant Church in Abingdon, Maryland.

Bruce Tulloch
Senior Pastor
Lloyd Pierson, Ph.D.